You are Cordially Invited to Humanim's Dinner at the American Brewery

A socially impactful culinary experience set in the elegant ambience of one of Baltimore’s best kept secrets, the American Brewery Building.

Catered by City Seeds, a Humanim Social Enterprise.


Dinner at the American Brewery is Humanim’s premier dinner event of the year, featuring a four-course dinner with wine pairings in the historic beauty of the American Brewery Building. Restored by Humanim in 2009, the former brewery building is an award-winning historical rehabilitation with views of the skyline, indoor and outdoor event space, and jaw dropping architectural features.

Enjoy a first-class culinary experience in the company of some of Maryland’s biggest impact makers, while directly supporting the growth and development of Maryland’s purpose-driven economy.

All ticket proceeds go directly to supporting Humanim’s workforce development initiatives – from job training to job creation and supported employment - for individuals with barriers to employment, including disabilities, mental illness, poverty, and returning citizens.

Purchase Tickets or Become a Sponsor Today
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For any questions, please contact:
Diana Ellis
Vice President, Advancement  |  410-381-7171 x2226

View Humanim's 2018 Annual Report
Humanim is a social impact organization focusing on human services, workforce development, youth services and social enterprise. Our mission is to support and empower individuals who face social or economic challenges — by building pathways to economic equity, opportunity, and independence.

Copyright © 2025 , All rights reserved.

Humanim is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), organization.
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Humanim is an Equal Opportunity Employer (See Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

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