Summer Headlines at Humanim

News . Events . Impact



USA Today Highlights Humanim Collaboration:
The Baltimore Wood Project

Job creation. Crime reduction. Community development. Reclaiming and recycling Baltimore’s wood. USA Today's front page story "A war on crime, fought with wood" highlights the environmental and social impact of our partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, Baltimore City, and the State of Maryland through Project CORE – including our social enterprises Details Deconstruction and Brick + Board, as well as the national furniture retailer Room & Board. Read how the Baltimore Wood Project is changing community development in Baltimore, and its positive impact on the lives of Baltimore residents with barriers to employment. Read the article...

Watch the journey of urban wood from abandoned Baltimore row homes to the Room & Board showroom and store – and the partners who make it possible.
Salvaging Baltimore with the U.S. Forest Service

Room & Board, our commercial partner in the Baltimore Wood Project, details the journey of urban wood from abandoned Baltimore row homes to the Room & Board showroom and store (on their website). Their video highlights the strategic partnerships that make this initiative a sustainable model for other cities to follow - an example of Humanim's ecosystem approach to social enterprise: leveraging government, community and corporate partnerships to maximize social and environmental returns along the supply chain. Learn more...

Dan Rodricks visits Humanim Culinary Social Enterprise at the Baltimore Food Hub

Our culinary social enterprises City Seeds and School of Food were recently featured on Dan Rodricks’ podcast Roughly Speaking at The Baltimore Sun. After touring the facilities, including our production and teaching kitchen, Rodricks was able to learn more about the work we’ve been up to at the Food Hub, including catering, food production, culinary classes, job + business training, and more.

Listen to the podcast here  |  Watch the video spotlight here

Shocking Developments in East Baltimore

We are proud to be a part of the “shocking” developments in East Baltimore that Dan Rodericks highlighted this Spring in The Baltimore Sun. What started in 2006 with the restoration of the historic American Brewery Building along with our many great partners and the Broadway East community association, has become an incredible story of partnership & collaboration between government, industry, non-profits, community and social enterprise to revitalize a historic neighborhood and community. Read the article...

Horizon Foundation's 2018 Mental Health Film Festival

We were thrilled to participate in the Horizon Foundation‘s 2nd ever Mental Health Film Festival this month – where our CEO Henry Posko provided opening statements. 300 people attended the festival, an event to build awareness and compassion for members of our community living with mental health challenges. Learn more...

Humanim Receives Healthiest Maryland Business Award

This June, Humanim was one of 58 Maryland employers recognized as Healthiest Maryland Businesses for their exemplary accomplishments in work site health promotion. Humanim was recognized with the Gold Level, the highest level award for health & wellness at work. Award criteria is based on the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard and utilizes the CDC’s Workplace Health Model and the HERO Health and Well-Being Best Practices Scorecard.  Learn more...


New Program: Student Career Choices

Humanim’s new Student Career Choices program utilizes both a classroom and contextual training model to equip high school students who possess a wide range of disabilities and learning styles, with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to prepare for competitive employment. Learn More...

The Impact of Inclusive Employment

Humanim consumer David Hodges celebrated his 30 year anniversary at The Outer Office this month, where he started working in 1988 as a clerk. Learn more...

Maryland Secretaries Take a Tour of Humanim Social Enterprise

As part of Governor & Cabinet Baltimore City Day, Maryland cabinet members and staff were able to visit and tour some of our social enterprises, including Brick + Board and City Seeds. Learn more...

Free Administrative Career Training

We are currently recruiting for our next FREE Administrative Assistant Training program! Participants receive specialized training, professional certification, and job placement assistance. Learn More...

Introducing the Healthy Minds Podcast

Our mental health youth services program Healthy Transitions has a brand new podcast on mental health awareness in partnership with Dragon Digital Radio. The monthly podcast focuses on mental health awareness, tools, resources and stories. Learn more...



Meet Dave

"Brick + Board believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. They gave me a sense of self-worth and responsibility. Instead of running from my problems, I deal with them right then and there. I'm proud of the work we do. I'm grateful."

Due to a criminal background and history of drug addiction, Dave found it hard to find steady work, something he could “really hold on to.” It wasn’t until a member of his NA Fellowship introduced him to Humanim’s workforce training programs that he realized instead of doing it on his own, he needed help.

After completing Humanim’s customer service training program, Dave interviewed with Humanim’s social enterprise Details Deconstruction and was hired on the spot. His strong work ethic caught the attention of his supervisor, and six months later, he was recruited to work for Humanim’s newest social enterprise at the time, Brick + Board. Since starting his employment almost two years ago, Dave has quickly risen through the ranks to become Warehouse Foreman, overseeing the entire warehouse operations for Brick + Board.

Dave enjoys his work, especially the hands-on process of working with materials, and seeing the finished product which he says gives him a sense of pride. He describes his colleagues at Brick + Board as a “tight-knit group, a family,” and is referred to in turn as “more than just a great worker, he’s a leader, role model, and friend.”

Dave's story illustrates the success of combining workforce development programming with social enterprise. At Humanim, we recognize that every human being has potential and the right to economic opportunity, despite what social and financial barriers they may face. We structure our programming to alleviate these barriers while providing concrete employment avenues through our employer partnerships and social enterprise division.

Help us continue to build pathways to economic opportunity, equity and independence for our community members by making a donation today.
Humanim is a social impact organization focusing on human services, workforce development, youth services and social enterprise. Our mission is to support and empower individuals who face social or economic challenges — by building pathways to economic equity, opportunity, and independence.
Copyright © 2025 , All rights reserved.
Humanim is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), organization.
Trademark, Copyright & Intellectual Property
Humanim is an Equal Opportunity Employer (See Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

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