We are thrilled to announce that Heather Rounds, Humanim’s talented Manager of Development, has been named Humanim’s Employee of the Year for 2024! This prestigious honor is awarded to one of our exceptional i25 Award recipients, recognizing employees who consistently go above and beyond in their roles. Heather, who has been with Humanim for over 20 years, exemplifies the dedication, creativity, and passion that make her an invaluable part of our team.
The i25 Award is given annually to 25 of Humanim’s outstanding employees, highlighting those who make a positive impact on the organization and go the extra mile to contribute to projects, initiatives, and the lives of individuals served. Heather has earned the i25 Award twice, and her extraordinary work ethic and generous contributions have set her apart. She has earned this recognition for her commitment to excellence, from her impeccable grant-writing skills to her team-first mentality, which made her a natural choice for the Employee of the Year distinction.
Heather first started with Humanim as a job coach in 1999. She later left to get a master’s degree in creative writing. After living overseas, she came back to Humanim in 2009, working first in Personal Supports and then with the Details social enterprise, before moving into development. “I’ve been all over this company. I keep finding opportunities; I’ve been very lucky that way,” she says.
As Manager of Development, Heather has wide responsibility for Humanim’s fundraising. That includes researching grant opportunities, writing grant applications and managing grants once they come in. A gifted writer, she also handles a range of internal writing projects. Heather’s colleagues consistently describe her as a dedicated, collaborative team member who brings warmth and authenticity to her work. She gives generously, leads with authenticity, and makes Humanim stronger with every effort. Her leadership and creativity continually inspire those around her.
Heather enjoys the culture at Humanim and values her contribution to its success. “I like the autonomy it gives me, and my thoughts and ideas are generally respected. There is a lot of consideration from everyone here,” she says. “Because Humanim is so multi-faceted, I am constantly learning something new every day. I like to learn, be challenged, and stay busy, so it’s a great role for me.”
Heather’s influence extends beyond her day-to-day work; she is also a published author. Heather has written four books, been widely published in literary publications and co-authored a coffee table book, The Twentieth Century in 100 Moments. She is working to publish two more books. “It’s what I enjoy; it feels like a compulsion,” she says. (Check out her work here.) She also helps run a literary press – Mason Jar Press – that is “dedicated to finding new and exciting work by writers that push the bounds of literary norms.”
Heather’s adventurous spirit is reflected in both her personal and professional life. She grew up in a military family and lived as a child in Europe and traveled widely. “I always felt a sense of wanderlust and still do.” As an adult, she has spent time in the Middle East, China, Armenia and Turkey.
She lived for a while in Kurdistan, in northern Iraq, where she wrote columns and stories for an English-language newspaper. She also worked at the Kurdish prime minister’s house teaching his children and some cousins. “I really loved the Middle East and Kurdistan,” she says. “People were so kind and would share their lives in way where you felt you were getting a real sense of what it’s really like to live there.”
Heather lives with her husband and 7-year-old son in a Baltimore County house that dates back around 150 years. She likes to garden, hike, listen to music and play music with her family.
In her work life, Heather appreciates Humanim’s impact. “I feel now more than ever the work we’re doing is going to get more and more important, especially in the fundraising side of the house. Being able to leverage community resources is really important right now,” she says. “Fundraising always felt incredibly intimidating. I thought you had to be a salesperson. But when I got into it, I realized I can bring some of my strengths to it.”
She looks forward to the launch of new innovative programs in the organization. “I like the idea of new projects, and I know there are some on the horizon – and I’ll do whatever I can to help raise funds for those sorts of things.”
We are incredibly proud to honor Heather as this year’s Employee of the Year. Her exceptional contributions, dedication to excellence, and positive influence on Humanim’s mission embody the very spirit of our organization. Heather is a true example of what it means to go above and beyond, and we are grateful for all she does to make Humanim a stronger, more compassionate community.
Congratulations, Heather! Thank you for everything you do!