Dan first got involved with Humanim’s day program for people with developmental disabilities at the age of 20, in 2005. Dan immediately found a home in the program. Twenty years later, Humanim continues to support him and helps him lead an independent and rewarding life.
Dan grew up in Baltimore City and Columbia. Today, he lives with a roommate in a Columbia. Humanim’s day program has helped Dan build a circle of friends and allowed him to experience a range of things in the community, including trips to malls, museums and movie theaters. His favorite destination is the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., where he can catch up with animals like electric eels. “We go together as a group, it’s just fun,” Dan says.
Humanim also helped Dan land a job at a Harris Teeter grocery store in Howard County, where he bags groceries and cleans. “I’ve worked there for 10 years, and it’s going really well. I like it, the food is good, and the people are nice,” he says. And the pay checks allow him to take his girlfriend out for dinner.
“Dan is a true success story in independent employment. He has not only held his job for several years, but excels at it,” says Jeff Tsuruoka, a Humanim job coach. “Over the years, his managers have had only great things to say about both Dan and his work performance. He goes about his job with minimal guidance and has become a favorite of both customers and co-workers alike.”
Last year, Dan travelled to Dallas, Texas. This year, he’s excited to be planning a trip to Sea World in Florida with his roommate. His real passion is photography (featured here), and he enjoys snapping pictures of flowers, birds and other wildlife – and posting them on Facebook. “I love to take pictures of birds in the wild; it’s so far so good,” he says.
Dan is in a good place in his life and credits Humanim for helping. “They helped me with the job, and they help with problems I have on the job and other things,” he says. “It’s a great agency.”
“Dan and his family are very appreciative of our work with him,” Humanim’s Jeff Tsuruoka says. “And that makes us all a very effective team.”