WorkForce Solutions is Humanim’s Welfare-to-Work Program which started in 1997 through a grant from Baltimore County Department of Social Services. The program was designed to serve welfare recipients receiving Temporary Cash Assistance in achieving employment. Since 2002, we have collaborated with the Community College of Baltimore County to provide all welfare to work services for the county. Humanim has served over 4,000 individuals to date, meeting and exceeding all performance measures set by the Baltimore County Department of Social Services and the Department of Human Resources.
Our ability to identify hidden disabilities, provide needed support services and intensive case management on an individualized basis is what makes our approach so successful. We identify and remove the barriers which prevent some of the participants in successfully obtaining and maintaining competitive employment.
During this past year we created an Intensive Case Management Program which works 1:1, and in small groups, with those who have multiple barriers and intense needs.
This year, in addition to serving primarily women welfare recipients, we began a program to serve non-custodial parents in order to help them secure and maintain employment so they can pay court mandated child support. Humanim social workers work with the family unit to help move them up the economic ladder by identifying barriers, assessing strengths, creating and actively supporting achievable action plans.