What We Do / Youth Services

Youth Transition Services

Job Readiness

We are passionate about helping young people reach their full potential. Our youth job readiness programs invest in our youth by helping them forge career paths, in spite of any barriers they may face. We do this by preparing them for the workforce through comprehensive skills training and mentoring, and real-world work experience through internships and other career opportunities.

Pre-Employment Transition Services

Humanim’s Pre-Employment Transition Services program uses both a classroom and contextual training model to equip special needs students between the ages of 14 and 21 with the skills, knowledge and experience to prepare for employment. Students develop workplace behaviors, social and independent living skills through both classroom and work-based learning experiences. Our program takes a person-centered approach to career discovery, and is designed to assist youth in exploring and identifying potential career paths, while developing the skills necessary for successful employment after graduation.

Learn More – Baltimore

LEARN MORE – Howard county

Work-Based Learning Experience (WBLE)

Humanim’s WBLE program is a 4 – 8 week internship/ mentoring program that introduces high school-aged students with a disability into employment. Students engage in workplace readiness training and hands-on career exploration in different fields, while gaining transferable skills for future employment. Work-Based Learning Experience is a great way for students to explore career options in a supportive environment. Participants gain concrete work skills and experience, as well as personal confidence and the opportunity to network with potential employers.

Hear from a student graduate: WBLE Testimonial – Samuel’s Story


Student to Employment Program (STEP)

Humanim’s STEP program is designed for young adults between the ages of 18 and 21, who are in need of comprehensive career development and support services in Howard County. Through STEP, we provide career training, job placement, and job support services that address the specific needs of young adults with disabilities who want to enter the workforce after graduation. We help youth make a successful transition, so that they can go on to lead independent and purposeful lives in the community. This program is a collaborative effort with the Howard County Public School System and the Division of Rehabilitation Services.


Start on Success (SOS) Virtual Programming

Humanim’s Start on Success (SOS) program in Maryland provides high school students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in a virtual classroom setting to receive a combination of career and workplace readiness training to develop social and self-advocacy skills for independent living. The overall goal of the SOS program is to equip youth with the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century workforce, and to obtain knowledge and experiences necessary to become competitively employed as productive members of the workforce.

Virtual SOS Program Schedule:
• 8-week sessions offered in the Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter
• Virtual classes available based on students’ school schedule availability, 3 days per week
• Classes conducted in a small group setting and one-on-one with a skilled facilitator


For more information, watch our virtual info session:

Mental Health

We understand the unique needs of young people who are struggling with mental illness. Our youth mental health programs provide the care, supports, and education needed to help youth transition into adulthood successfully and lead healthy, independent lives.

Healthy Transitions Program

In partnership with the Maryland Department Health & Mental Hygiene and the University of Maryland’s Evidence Based Practice Center, Humanim’s Healthy Transitions program helps young people who are struggling with mental illness to successfully transition into adulthood. By providing individualized services that are unique to the needs of young adults with mental illness, youth are able to become more independent and self-sufficient, and be successful in the community. Services include:

  • Employment and Education Assistance
  • Illness Management and Recovery
  • Housing and Residential Services
  • Life and Social Skills Instruction
  • Financial Management and Budgeting
  • Substance Abuse Services
  • Connection to Community Resources and Supports

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Transition Aged Youth Program

The Transition Aged Youth Program is a specialized program designed for young-adults (18-25) who are struggling with mental illness. The program provides housing and specialized supports to help the young adult transition from their parent’s home, foster care, or a residential treatment center into the community. The program emphasizes building self-reliance, problem-solving skills, educational and vocational development.

The total cost of Humanim’s Youth Transition Services for the period 4/1/2023 – 3/31/2025 is $2,879,047.00. Of that amount $500,000 (17.4%) is funded through a U.S. Department of Labor Grant. The other $2,379,047 (82.6%) is funded through State and other Local Sources.